

About the Thematic Area

Rapid urban growth in European cities has led to significant artificial land cover, which in some cities has greatly increased the effects of rainwater runoff. This phenomenon, combined with the effects of climate change, including increased precipitation alternating with droughts, can lead to significant flood risks. In the EU context, several ongoing developments within cities contribute to the pressing issues of water scarcity and floods, which pose challenges to sustainable urban development (Climate Change, Ageing infrastructure, Land-use changes, inefficient water management practices, lack of integrated approaches).

To address these challenges, a multi-level governance approach could help improve and create tools, measures and governance mechanisms to help implementing sustainable urban drainage systems, reusing water, set up storage systems promoting water conservation measures, to build models of water sensitive urban management and promote integrated approaches.

Watch the Ex-Ante Assessment Expert Birgit Georgi explain the topic for the Water Sensitive City Thematic Partnership.


By clicking on the symbol  , in the top left corner, you will be able to see the different layers of this map.


National authorities

  • Ministry of Regional Development (CZ)
  • Ministry of Climate (EE)


  • Intermunicipal Community of Coimbra Region (PT)

Cities (Urban Authorities)

  • Municipality of The Hague (NL)
  • Municipality of Turin (IT)
  • Municipality of Enschede (NL)
  • Elche City Council (ES)
  • Municipality of Roman (RO)
  • Municipality of Halandri (EL)
  • Municipality of Viimsi (EE)
  • Kalocsa City Municipality (HU)

European/ national city umbrella organisation

  • Council of European Municipalities and Regions - CEMR 
  • Resilient Cities Network

Other stakeholders

  • Cetaqua, Centro Tecnológico del Agua (ES)
  • Águas e Energia do Porto (PT)
  • Acondicionamiento Tarrasense Associación - LEITAT (ES)
  • Major Development Agency Thessaloniki - Local Government Organization
  • Commonspace Co-op (EL)

European institutions

  • European Commission Directorate-General for Energy (DG ENER)
  • European Commission Directorate-General for Environment (DG ENV)
  • European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC)
  • European Commission Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM)


EUI - Call for City-to-City Exchanges

The call for City-to-City exchanges is open on a continous basis. 
Check the details and apply to benefit of other city experiences to tackle your sustainable urban development challenges.